Studio visit: how to organize it at its best
One way to increase sales opportunities and create an effective contact network is to open up your studio to COLLECTORS, GALLERISTS and CURATORS.
These are, in fact, the three figures that most allow you to make your name and your work known in the art world.
So, by presenting them your work, you can create opportunities and contacts that would hardly find anywhere else.
You have probably already organized STUDIO VISITS and spent resources in economic and time terms.
You will certainly have wondered how to optimize these energies spent to organize this kind of event.
First of all, you need to be aware that the studio visit is one of the powerful tools you can use to gain credibility, but you have to be prepared.
Just like for Companies, you need start thinking as an entrepreneur and sell your work in the best possible way: what does that mean?
You have to think about a strategy that takes all the details into account and there are some things you can do:
- choose a reasoned date;
- invite targeted people;
- have everything ready in advance.
Unfortunately, these tricks alone are not enough to guarantee the perfect success of the event, which basically means sales and opportunities for exhibitions and projects.
Certainly, if you are sure to have the right contacts and know how to move, you can organize the event by yourself but relying on professionals is the most valid solution.
In fact, addressing professionals allows you to, among the other:
- being able to focus on your work;
- being able to engage more targeted people;
- getting new contacts;
- have ready all the materials, made in a professional way;
- getting better credibility.
Essentially, the studio visit is a valuable opportunity to create a moment of sharing with professionals and clients in order to promote your work in the most effective way.
Leaving out the details of this operation is NOT an option because all your efforts would turn out to be a boomerang.
Contact us if you want to organize a studio visit and we will be glad to study with you the most effective way to do it!